Much of Richard’s artwork is inspired by the rich and varied landscapes of the British Isles; the wild places of our moors and mountains, pastoral landscapes and rocky and sandy coastlines are all subjects Richard loves to paint. Some of our wildlife is unique to these special places and Richard likes to portray these birds and animals in their natural habitats.
Richard never sets out to create a ‘photographic’ representation in his work, but tries to portray a feeling, an atmosphere or mood in his paintings, hoping that the viewer can make a connection with the picture and get an insight into Richard’s passion for the subject.
Watercolours are painted in the ‘English tradition’ using washes of carefully chosen pigments onto handmade watercolour paper, allowing the colours to mix on the paper and create effects that only watercolours can do. Watercolours can take anything from a few hours to a whole day to complete, but what people do not realise is the planning that goes into a painting. The picture may look spontaneous but much thought has gone into its composition, the colour selection and the various watercolour techniques to be used. Richard believes that this is what makes this medium particularly unique and exciting.
Richard’s acrylic paintings tend to be more detailed, creating a more 'lifelike' quality. Wildlife subjects lend themselves to this approach and Richard always tries to convey the subject in a natural setting. Often the bird or animal becomes secondary to the landscape into which it is placed as though the viewer is just catching a glimpse of the animal in its own secret world. Again planning the picture is a key element of the design; but when painting in acrylics, it is possible to change your mind, re paint areas and ‘move’ things around on the canvas until you are satisfied with the image.
Richard likes to mount and frame his own paintings using high quality framing materials which complement the picture without overpowering it. However, he is always happy to discuss the framing options with potential clients.
When not painting pictures, Richard also enjoys the creative process of working in wood. Using mainly locally sourced native timbers, he produces a range of wooden items. They are all made using hand tools and finished with natural oils and waxes to bring out the beauty of the wood.
By not restricting himself to any one particular style or medium and being completely self taught, Richard hopes that his work will stay fresh and that his work will continue to evolve, as he seeks out exciting new challenges to paint or make.
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